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20% off Orders Over $100 with
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Rivers around the World
Suiseki Stones, or viewing stones, are found throughout various rivers around the world, most notably the Yangtze River in China. However many stones are also found in Vietnam and throughout the United States. They are all legally collected from special locations and then imported to the United States. Collectors will dive through rivers and hand pick stones along the river bed.

Some stones are extremely difficult to harvest, requiring hunters to dig several meters beneath the ground to unearth the rarest stones with the most vibrant colors.

Unique Characteristics to Regions
Depending on the location in which the stone is collected from, the stone will exhibit textures and colors common to that location. Stones collected from each location will have its own shapes, colors and textures depending on how nature has shaped it over the years. This is caused by the type of sediments and water that flows through that particular location. No two stones are identical but you can sometimes tell the origin based on the texture and patterns on the stones.
