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Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 1 of 0
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 2 of 0
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 1 of 0
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 2 of 0
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 1 of 0
Lucky Bamboo - Individual Bamboo Sticks - Image 2 of 0

Spiral Bamboo 12"

Individual Stalks
Price: $6.00
Add an extra touch of style to your current lucky bamboo arrangement or collect a bundle of spiral lucky bamboo to make a full bouquet. Leaves will continue to grow and sprout from the top of the spiral.
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Product Code: 100030-01-12P
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Add an extra touch of style to your current lucky bamboo arrangement or collect a bundle of spiral lucky bamboo to make a full bouquet.
Leaves will continue to grow and sprout from the top of the spiral.
Measurements are for the straight part of the lucky bamboo stalk only. The spiral can extend approximately 4-10 inches above the straight portion depending on the size of the lucky bamboo stick.

Care Information

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderia) thrive in indirect sunlight. Full sun will cause the leaves to turn yellow. We recommend watering your lucky bamboo arrangement with filtered or bottled water. Water level should cover the top of the rocks. However, lucky bamboo will thrive in vases without rocks as well. For green stalks, we recommend fertilizing your lucky bamboo with liquid fertilizer.
