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Henderson Global Investors

Henderson Global Investors is a global asset management company that provides investment management services to institutional, retail and high-net worth clients. Henderson manages 53 billion in assets making it one of Europe's largest investment managers.

For the holidays, Henderson Global Investors came to Eastern Leaf inquiring about ordering four hundred client gifts. Their requirements were to promote their brand image as well as have each gift individually packed and sent out throughout the United States to their clients.

Our gift consultant suggested from our selection of gift plants to meet Henderson's needs. The ideal tree for Henderson was the money tree plant. In consideration of Henderson's requirements for promoting their brand, our consultant advised which pot color would best make their logo stand out. Pantone colors were matched to ensure an exact match of their logo colors.

To ensure the best presentation and safety of plants during transit, custom boxes were made to ship their gifts. During fulfillment, each gift was then carefully monitored to ensure proper handling and care ultimately leading to a beautiful personalized money tree gift.

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For inquires please contact us at 888-684-8377
or sales@easternleaf.com
